
Streamline your Trade Operations in Less than 30 Days

Tradeflow is a web-based software suite that helps importers and exporters gain more control of their trade operations. Divided into integrated modules, Tradeflow facilitates activities such as global product classification, landed cost estimation, compliance management, electronic booking, document creation and restricted party screening.

Success stories
The Customer Service team is always ready to help and have even developed new reporting or data when needed. Their quick response and knowledge of the tool and willingness to share that information is extraordinary and appreciated when working with over a million customers and vendors that are in the database for ongoing screening. Thank you again for making our job easier.
– Debi Carpenter, Export Compliance Specialist | Stanley Black & Decker
Flexibility and customization

Module-based subscriptions. Pay for only what you need

One Time Verification

Best for dealing with a one-time, non-repetitive trade partner

Single Lookup

Ideal for infrequent shipments from known trade partners

Mass Screening

Optimal for shippers who have a product base with known, repetitive trading partners

Automated Process

Ideal for high volume shippers who want to manage their Trade Partner compliance

Fast implementation with the freedom to change anytime

Tradeflow Competitors
Contract Length No Contracts Contract Required
Subscription Terms Month-to-Month No Flexibility
Onboarding Assistance 30 Day Implementation Self-Guided
Data Loading Data Import Provided Limited Support
Help Desk Speedy Assistance Limited Assistance

Centrally store, manage and distribute trade data

Move from disconnected data sources (like spreadsheets or legacy systems) to a unified platform to have a single source of data to share with stakeholders. This improves the speed of data flow, saving time for all parties. As company master data changes, it can be integrated into Tradeflow automatically, so all stakeholders have the current version of the data, avoiding misuse of old data versions.

Obtain access to global trade content

Tradeflow aggregates over 160 countries of Harmonized Tariff Schedule data, dozens of screening lists and other trade content that is difficult and often costly to obtain otherwise. With automated validation of customer master data against trade content, companies can leverage workflows and notifications to save time and minimize risk within their supply chain.

Build a process with oversight

With a variety of access control levels, companies can exert control over changes to the master data, yet still, give visibility to necessary parties. This helps to manage the risk of data errors. With an automated and detailed history of changes built into the software, this provides a trail to reference later, should there ever be any questions about specific values stored at a given point in time.

Overcome internal system constraints

When legacy systems cannot be upgraded, or a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system doesn’t quite meet the needs of managing the complexity of trade data, Tradeflow provides a bolt-on solution for temporary or long-term usage. This is often quicker and less costly to implement than a large-scale internal system upgrade. Also, with data integration capabilities, internal company systems can remain in place, yet share data externally with Tradeflow to meet the users’ desired functionality.

Provide a flexible low-cost solution

Tradeflow is sold as a monthly subscription with no long-term commitment. There is no contract to sign, and no large upfront implementation fees. With a modular approach, customers can pick and choose the functionality that meets the current needs; and always add other functionality later should needs change. When faced with new trade barriers, rising duty rates, and uncertain trade agreements, the complexity of change can be overwhelming, but they don't have to be.

Make a seamless switch today

Our experienced sales team can help you determine the right modules for your compliance needs and get you up and running in as little as 30 days.

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